100 Berlin Rd
Cromwell, Connecticut 06416

CT REIA and Patrick Precourt presents: How To Be Competitive in the Short Sale Market

May 17, 2010 – 5:30 to 9:00 pm
Crowne Plaza Hotel. 100 Berlin Road. Cromwell, CT. 06416
Free for CTREIA Members, $30 for guests

Register and learn more about this event at: http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=258

Patrick Precourt real estatePatrick Precourt is one of the most successful Real Estate and Pre-foreclosure Investors across the nation. Patrick opened North Shore Enterprises, a professional real estate investment company specializing in pre-foreclosure and short sales, in the beginning of 2000. Since then his team has completed well over 680 short sales and will pass the 700 mark by summer 10’. Patrick runs an extremely successful mentorship program with over 500 elite students across the country. He also owns one of the top Online Real Estate Management Systems and CRM’s (Customer Relationship Management Systems) in the country. He’s also a contributing author to the best selling series “Wake up… live the life you love: The power of team”.

Patrick is known across the industry as the quiet guru, the guy who speaks with his actions and documented results, not with long web copy, fancy marketing tricks and copy cat tactics. He tells it the way it is… an unedited opinion of a self made entrepreneur and insanely successful business owner with roots in pre-foreclosure investment and balls to the wall business development.


Pat will cover the top key points you must be aware of if you are going to be competitive in the short sale arena and also what you need to do to stay out of trouble in today’s short sale investing world!

→ What properties or rather loans qualify for the HAFA program and which lenders MUST participate…
About the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA) – In 2009, the Treasury Department introduced the HAFA program to provide a viable option for homeowners who are unable to keep their homes through the existing Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). The HAFA program took effect on April 5, 2010 and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2012.

→ The tiny direct effect HAFA will have on our real estate industry and the MASSIVE indirect effect it will leave us with…

→ How you MIGHT be putting your client(s) in harms way by directing them to sign the HAFA short sale paperwork…

→ The 3 “must know” requirements of the HAFA program that will indeed change the way we transact our short sales…

→ How to leverage the new guidelines to cut the short sale time line by 75%…

→ Which properties CANNOT be sold for 90 after a successful short sale transaction…

→ AND much much more…

In addition to the sweeping changes in the new government legislation Pat will talk about how you can systemize your entire short sale business and how he does it in order to manage over 100 transactions at any given time. In short, he’s not going to tell you how to get the big 6 figure fantasy check but rather, dependable, predictable base hits, the $26,900.00 checks.


5:30 – Networking
Meet people who can bring you deals or who want to buy your deals. Meet local businesses who provide the services you need. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards.

5:45 – Early Bird Workshop
Phil McKay from National Vinyl has been selling windows to CTREIA members for years. He will be giving a Window Workshop. What you will learn:

* What’s the difference between a quality window and junk
* How do you qualify for tax credits when buying windows
* How do you measure windows
* When do you need to replace windows

6:15 – More Networking
Over 150 people looking to buy real estate. Advertise your deal(s) live and in person, and meet the people you need to meet.

Starting at 7:00 – Patrick Precourt
Short Sale strategies with Patrick Precourt.

Official Website: http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=258

Added by CTREIA on May 4, 2010

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