900 East Main St.
Meriden CT, Connecticut

CT REIA Mastermind Group: Open To CT REIA Members Only

August 25, 7:00 to 9:00pm
Comfort Inn. 900 East Main Street. Meriden, CT

This Is A Free Event Open To CT REIA Members who:
* Own 4 or more buildings
* Have been actively enrolled in Real Estate Investing for at least 3 years
* Have completed the CT REIA Coaching Program.

Increase your business through the power of group interaction.
Mastermind groups have been well documented to help increase your awareness of the power multiple people meeting in a peaceful environment with the common goal of helping each other attain their goals and dream.

Why do it all alone and learn everything the hard way when you can use the power of OPB - Other People’s Brains. It’s becoming easier than ever to find and connect with the people who share your interests - your tribe, so to speak. By joining forces, you can accelerate your learning and improve your results.

About The Mastermind Group
The CT REIA mastermind group's purpose is to share thoughts, ideas, opinions and information. To be successful, it is also important to be supportive, and industry-based. When we create a group that is industry-focused as in real estate, we gain the ability to see things not only from our own perspective, but also with the collective group experience, we have the ability to see things from a new and different perspective. It is from that collective process… we can tap into new ideas. As individuals, we cannot achieve this on our own because our own views are limited, but with a real estate mastermind group, the possibilities for expansive thinking are endless.

Official Website: http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=278

Added by CTREIA on August 19, 2010

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