Prospect Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut 06117

Sorry it has taken awhile for me to get the details posted for this one. Our next official meetup is Saturday, June 14th. Please RSVP in this thread.

Thanks to Richard for helping with the planning this month.

9am - Elizabeth Park - Hartford
We'll meet in the largest parking area, which is between the greenhouses and the restaurant (location D on this map.

The Elizabeth Park rose garden is 2.5 acres with 800 varieties of roses. It is the oldest municipally-operated rose garden in the U.S. It's also a test garden and evaluates new roses before they are made available to the general public.

We could either eat at Elizabeth Park (there is a small restaurant, a snack bar, or of course you can bring something with you). The other option is to head to BlueBack Square/West Hartford Center where there are 36 possibilities of places to eat. (PDF file of the options there). However, we'd have to pay to park. Anyone have a preference?

Trinity College
Trinity College will offer an opportunity for some architectural shots.

* Does anyone know (or can someone find out) the parking policy for Trinity? I do not see visitor lots on the maps and am not sure how much they enforce any parking restrictions.

Talcott Mountain State Park
For anyone who has the energy, we'll give this state park a try. Richard checked this place out (along with several others) and warns: "The first part of the trail is not quite as steep as Kent Falls, but still a workout... luckily there are benches every so often. :-) and the rest of the trail to Heublein Tower is not too bad."

Penwood State Park is across the street, if anyone still has energy.

Official Website:

Added by IntricatePerspectives on May 31, 2008