1919 San Mateo Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

This meditation will consist of:
Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls and other Vibrational Therapy tools
Crystal Grid Layouts
Aromatherapy with Young Living Essential Oils
A combination of healing modalities including Usui & Karuna Reiki, Past Life Regression, Color Therapy, Chanting, etc....

The intention of this meditation will be to:

Set individual healing intentions that enhances your own bodies ability to Heal, Balance & Harmonize with your true self.
Clear, Align and Strengthen ALL the Major Chakras including Soul Star that is connected to the Divine & Angelic Realm and Earth Star that is connected to the Earth.
Strengthening & Expanding your Auric Field.
WHERE: Sacred Journeys Wellness
1919 San Mateo NE Alb NM 87110
WEB: http://www.sacredjourneyswellness.com/indexr.html
RSVP: 505-255-3388
WHEN: 1st Saturday of every Month
TIME: 6:30p-7:30pm
COST: $7 p/person

Added by EarthSong on April 26, 2010

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