1 East Poultry Avenue
London, England EC1A 9PT

October is TechMeetups Global CrowdCamp month. Make sure you use the hashtag#tmucrowd to get yourself heard
With the rise of the Internet and the advent of Web 2.0 technologies, social media and advanced telecommunications, crowdsourcing is all the rage these days and it’s easy to see its advantages. By outsourcing responsibilities and duties to a ‘crowd’ of people, you are benefitting from the talent and experience of the people most equipped to undertake the task in question.

To succeed in the Web 2.0 industry or the software market, your business’ best bet is to embrace crowdsourcing for what it is—a fast and cost-effective way of solving today’s problems and developing tomorrow’s technologies.

With so much to talk about, TechMeetups is organizing two events in London on 4 October:

1. Workshop ‘Show me the money’ (2-6pm)
Statistics reveal that 90% of startups close down in the 1st year alone due to the lack of funding. This trigger a constant battle to stay afloat and generate income for oneself.

With advancement of the net and various public & private initiatives there are actually quite a few ways Startups can raise that crucial funding to get off the ground. TechMeetups is bringing you a workshop to cover 8 different ways that you as a Startup can raise that important seed funding to get your business off the ground.
Experts and pioneers in startup finance will be joining us to help you understand which investment options are best for your business, whatever stage you’re at.

We will be covering:

1. Bootstrapping
2. Your local bank
3. CrowdSourcing
4. Specialist banks
5. Govt. Grants
6. Accelerators
7. Overseas initiatives
8. Angels & Angel Networks
9. Seed investment
10. TechMeetups Investor Day & Investment Forum

2. CrowdCamp Unconference (6-9pm) which will take place in London as well as other cities where TechMeetup Groups are active. As someone who is interested in crowdsourcing (or potentially an expert in the field) you can come along to our afternoon Unconference, meet other entrepreneurs, developers and crowdsourcing users to discuss your most pressing questions and challenges.

We will be inviting a great line up of crowdsourcing experts and innovative startups to give us more insight into most industry-changing trends, the best new platforms and tools. Yet, the stars of the show will remain the attendees: You can also become a presenter or lead a discussion on the day: just show up (the earlier the better) and choose a 30 minute time slot where the floor is yours!

The great space we’re using on the day also allows you to show up with your laptop/tablet/mobile and actually try out or show off crowdsourcing tools and platforms on the day.

And there’s more! Through TechMeetups’ growing global network of tech communities, the month of October will be the time when our 4,000+ members around the world are talking about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding at www.techmeetups.com and via social media channels.

Find out more on where the event is taking place and what happened last time: http://techmeetups.com/crowd-camp/
If you’re interested in promoting your company throughout the month, here’s more about what you can expect:

As a Sponsor of TechMeetups.com’s CrowdCamp month your brand will have both local and global exposure. Our event attendees will be London-based developers, designers, entrepreneurs and those interested in innovative technologies for the purpose of growing their business or projects.

TechMeetups.com’s global audience has the same profile and is located across the USA, Europe and Asia where we have active and fast-growing networks.

Through our reach we’ll be marketing the event to the entire TechMeetups global community of over 4,000 members across all these cities. For more information about our reach and activities, please visit www.techmeetups.com

Platinum Sponsors of the month will also be able to deliver a presentation to an audience both at the event and viewers via livestream.

Email us at [email protected] for more details.

Official Website: http://techmeetups.com/crowd-camp/

Added by TechMeetups.com on July 30, 2012

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