5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, California 92110

When individuals from two or more cultures meet around the table, there are inevitable differences in strategies, styles, planning, expectations, and business etiquette. In addition to the benefits of rapport that develop when a participant demonstrates knowledge, savvy and respect for another culture, a successful outcome is often dependent on understanding these nuances. Ultimately, after a merger occurs, there is a critical transition phase where the two corporate cultures merge. Failure to plan for, understand, cultivate, and align these two cultures jeopardizes the success of the venture. This training helps participants to develop a knowledge base and practical skills that will keep the initial proceedings and the ultimate transition free from unnecessary misunderstandings, which often lead to suspicions or communication breakdowns. It also focuses on red flags related to the cultural nuances that can make or break a joint venture.

Adriana Serrano
[email protected]

Added by usdprofessionaledu on April 13, 2010

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