2951 Lyndale Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408

When is anyone morally sanctioned to take another's life? Is redemption possible for anyone who has committed the sin of murder? These questions lie at the heart of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's 'Crime and Punishment,' the classic, celebrated Russian novel of motive and murder, perhaps the greatest and most insightful crime story ever written. Thrillingly adapted for only three actors, this absorbing and highly theatrical drama will unfold in a heart-stopping 90 minutes at the Jungle Theater. Adapted by Marilyn Campbell and Curt Columbus, this area premiere features John Riedlinger as the repentant murderer Raskolnikov; Stacia Rice as Sonia, the young prostitute who befriends him; and Steve Hendrickson as the detective Porfiry.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 26, 2009