322 NW 6th Avenue Suite 200
Portland, Oregon 97209

Cre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference with a creative twist--it is for creative industries professionals. There is no charge to attend, but participants can opt to pay for a $10 box lunch. Registration required.

Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the web site for more information.

Official Website: http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland

Added by SteveGehlen on June 11, 2008



Oh no! This is not a good time for us! Moving and all… I'll try to make it still…

Bram Pitoyo

Let me know If I can help in any way! Designers who bridges the gap like you and @georgehuff would be a great addition to the mix of people who are going to be there! (or rather, that we can wrangle into being there ;)

Do invite others if you want.


I will second Bram and say send the word out to other creative types who may not be hooked into Upcoming. See you then


I am really excited about this.

stas rutkowski

i loved it