Delaware Suite, Marriott Wardman Park & Omni Shoreham Hotels
Washington, District of Columbia 20008

Courting Risk: A Multicultural/Multi-genre Reading

AWP: The Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference
Washington, DC
Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011
9:00am - 10:30am
Thurgood Marshall West Room
Marriott Wardman Park
Mezzanine Level
Marriott Wardman Park & Omni Shoreham Hotel


Natalie Diaz
Samiya Bashir
Ariel Robello
Susan Southard
Lamar Wilson
Khadijah Queen

Panel Description:

A roster of stellar emerging writers whose work addresses issues such as social justice, gender and sexuality, and race.

Courting Risk is an annual reading series which promotes the work of emerging writers, particularly those who are women, LGBT and/or of color. Focus is given also to writers who address difficult political or social issues in multiple genres and art forms.

A brief introduction of the series will be followed by a reading from six powerful emerging writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and cross-genre work, with time allotted at the end for Q&A.

Official Website:

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