1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

A French Bistro basically means an informal restaurant with prompt service. Sort of the beginnings of our Casual Dining. Bistros got their start in humble homes where persons who opened up rooms to weary travelers would make a few extra dollars by also opening their kitchens. Because the service was done in such cramped quarters, eventually there was a need to put tables out on the footpaths or sidewalks. Thus, the classic bistro was born! This class will be taught by our resident Frenchie, Franck Rondello.

Starter: Salad de chevre chaud with rocket, cranberry and walnut
Main Course: Steak au poivre with rissoler potatoes and ratatouille
Dessert: Tarte tatin with crème fraiche.
Wine: BYOB

Official Website: http://welldonecc.com/cooking/Public_Class_Calendar.html

Added by guitchik2000 on June 2, 2010

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