pune, Maharashtra

Greetings from the Shelter Don Bosco Research Centre!

The Shelter Don Bosco Research Centre has been involved with initiating,conducting and publishing research on a number of issues pertaining to street children and other marginalized groups.Counselling is one of the major tools utilized in this field.
In this regard,we are happy to announce a training workshop in collaboration with Don Bosco Youth Centre,Koregaon,Pune titled "Social Workers as Counsellors".

The workshop will be conducted by Tarana Pithawalla and team,and Fr./Dr. Barnabe D'souza,author of the manual "Social Workers as Counsellors" on 5th December 2009.
A copy of the manual will be distributed to each participant.

We would like to invite case-workers/social workers from your organization to attend the above workshop.

Added by Dr.Barnabe on November 10, 2009

Interested 1