701 Henley Street
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902

The Council for Economic Education will join family & consumer science teachers in Knoxville, Tennessee on June 25-28th to exhibit its latest economics and personal finance resources at the American Association for Family Consumer Sciences Annual Conference.

What: American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 100th Annual Conference and Expo
When: June 25-28th
Where: Knoxville Convention Center


It's time to spruce up your curriculum with up-to-date technology, multimedia materials, CDs, DVDs and internet resources.

Dr. Julia Heath, director of the University of Memphis Center for Economic Education will show you how to replace your old textbooks with a digital learning experience that gets your tech-savvy students excited about economics and personal finance.

And, for hands-on learning, Dr. Heath will demonstrate how a small piece of sculpting clay can help your students quickly master essential concepts like money, trade, scarcity and opportunity cost.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ditch Your Books: Going Digital with an Economics and Personal Finance Tech Prep Kit
11:00 am

Molding Personal Finance and Economic Knowledge with Play Dough
4:00 pm

Visit the Council for Economic Education Booth 306, Win an iPod

In between your workshops, visit the Council for Economic Education booth 306 to browse through the newest technology, multimedia and print resources for personal finance and economics.

Plus, sign up for a chance to win an iPod shuffle! And, don't forget to ask about how you can save up to $85 on your purchase of a Personal Finance Teacher Prep Kit.

Official Website: http://nceeconferences.blogspot.com/2009/06/council-for-economic-education.html

Added by Council for EconEd on June 24, 2009

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