45 W 8th Street
New York, New York 10003

If You Can't Find A Good Man, Raise One! Urbandictionary.com defines a cougar as a female who is in her 30's and older and is in her sexual prime who prefers to hunt than be hunted.

It's clearly working for Ryan Gossling/Eva Mendes & Mariah Carey/Nick Cannon. Madonna's even now jumped on the "boy toy" bandwagon dating Brahim Zaibat, a guy 28 years her junior.

Younger men have more energy and are eager to please while older women are mature & know what they want.

Don't miss this speed dating event which brings together NYC's hottest "pumas" (35-40), "cougars" (41-55) and "boy toy's" (21-30). Meet 10-20 in one night!

Official Website: http://www.onspeeddating.com

Added by SingleAndTheCity.Com on January 6, 2013