401 Biscayne Blvd
Miami, Florida 33132

WOW!! 4th year in a row, one of the best crowd favorite parties of the year. We ask that you please buy tickets for your self only or people in your immediate party. If your name is not on our list of the person who purchased the ticket there is nothing we can do. So if you have a group of lets say 4, when you check in all 4 of you must be present. Do not sell any tickets..... Bottle service will be availabe on the boat just talk with one of the waitresses. Again anyone seen throwing their braclet off the boat to someone outside, you and your party will be escorted off the boat with no refunds. This is a very limited space party and we have no room for errors, and is a violation of the coast guard rules to be over capasity. We will have a zero tolerance for any person who tries to act in this manner. We look forward to seeing you all again very soon. Remember It's u fans that make this party possible year after year!!!!!

Official Website: http://bit.ly/13nCDz8

Added by Wantickets1 on February 26, 2013

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