We’re running a special one-off OpenCoffee this coming Monday (13th) instead of the usual Friday. It’s a bit unusual in that we’ve invited a speaker to come in and talk about how he grew his business and raised funding. That person is Tom Keane, President of Nitrosell. He has a long history in the software biz and I know I’m not the only one who has a ton of questions to ask him.
This OpenCoffee is a joint one with SohoSolo and is on in the NSC at 9am. Coffee and buns sponsored by CorkBIC and SohoSolo. Thanks to John Fitzgerald for arranging this with Tom.
Here’s some background on Tom and Nitrosell:
Tom Keane is an engineering graduate of University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin and has over twenty five years experience at a senior level in the software business. Before co-founding NitroSell, Tom worked as a Software Engineer and ICT architect for leading software companies, including Motorola, Ericsson, Compaq, and Accenture. During 2007 and 2008 Tom was a member of the prestigious Microsoft S+S (Software plus Services) Partner Advisory Council, which met regularly in Seattle to discuss and advise on Microsoft’s strategic new cloud computing products, campaigns, competitive positioning and go-to-market strategies. Fellow council members included CEOs and Presidents of companies including BT Tradespaces, Best Buy, Siemens, EMC/Conchango, Mamut, WebTrends, and Telus. Tom is an experienced presenter and regularly gets invited to speak on emerging technology and entrepreneurial matters.
NitroSell “makes it easy for Retailers to increase their profits by extending their business with online multi-channel sales solutions”. NitroSell customer numbers are increasing every month and currently just under 400 retailers are running NitroSell eCommerce that web-enable 900 retail businesses across the US, Europe and beyond. The number of NitroSell registered end-user accounts broke the 2 million mark in Sept 2008 and over 600,000 individual products are for sale across the NitroSell WebStore base which attract over almost 2.5 million unique visits per month.
Official Website: http://www.corkopencoffee.org/
Added by bandon1 on October 7, 2008