500 E. 4th Street
Austin, Texas 78701

How we spend our time offline is extremely valuable. With so many events, shows, meetups, parties and get-togethers it's our job to give users the best choices. How do we know they are finding the events best suited to their needs?
Join us as some curious characters Discuss & Debate.

Vince Maniago

Vince is a curious builder, tinkerer and thinker with 15 years experience creating and managing great internet products. Vince's passion for anything Social, especially Events & Things to Do, has fueled a desire to make Events easier to discover on the Internet for the past 5 years. He's also a huge fan and enabler of things like Hack Days, SHDH, Mashup Camp and Open APIs. His experience spans web development, ecommerce, local search, social media and business development. Vince has held Product Management positions at E*Trade, Yahoo! Local, Upcoming and Zvents and is currently freelancing on a number of projects. More here if you need color: uvince.com/whois-vince-maniago.php

Scott Marlette is an engineer and product developer. He spent more than four years building infrastructure and products at Facebook, including the first version of Facebook Photos. During that time Scott also served as Product Manager for Facebook's core applications, working on improvements to products such as Inbox and Events. Scott has recently moved on from Facebook to pursue his own projects and is based in Santa Monica, CA.


#SXSW #timedeprivedlifestyle

Added by uvince on March 15, 2010

Interested 2