4141 Spring Valley Rd
Addison, Texas 75001

During each session, you will create and enjoy a complete meal—salad or appetizer, entree, vegetable, and dessert. You’ll then take home to share with family and friends anything you don’t eat (and the recipes!).
Sessions: Four, 150-minute sessions
When: Thursdays, January 22 & 29; February 5 & 19
Time: 6:30-9 p.m.

Jack Oros has taught upper school math at Greenhill School for the past 20 years. He has been a member of the Dallas Symphony Chorus since 1993; besides singing locally, he has toured Israel and Europe. This is Jack’s fourth year to offer this highly popular cooking class. And he may be coaxed into singing as you cook!

What is Greenhill After Dark?
Greenhill School’s popular program for adult learners is back for 2009, with a full slate of courses to challenge and captivate, enlighten and inspire. Registration is open to members of the general public — no Greenhill connection required! Greenhill After Dark is sponsored by the Greenhill School Alumni Association and supports financial aid funding at Greenhill School.

For info on other courses and to register, contact Christine Eastus at [email protected], or visit http://www.greenhillafterdark.com.

Official Website: http://web2.greenhill.org/greenhillafterdark/w9_cook.html

Added by Sheri Hall on December 10, 2008