1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

Have you always wanted to go to Culinary school? Have you been cooking for years and just want to cook better? Are you a novice interested in getting your feet in the kitchen more often? Then the Fundamentals classes are the ones for you! These classes are for those who are serious about learning how to cook. As always, we provide a relaxing and warm environment for you to learn in. We're so confident you'll learn more than in any other class offered by the competition that we guarantee it!

In this class you'll learn all of the cooking techniques so that you can prepare almost anything! We'll teach you about the different cuts of meat, how they should be cooked, and suggest great sauces to pair (as learned in Fundamentals - Stocks, Sauces, and Kitchen Equipment). All Fundamentals classes are four hours in length.

Cooking techniques learned:

Sauteeing - Chicken Breast
Pan Frying - Chicken Parmesan
Roasting - Whole Chicken
Braising - Short Ribs
Stewing - Beef
Dry heat & moist heat cooking
Fast cooking methods vs. slow cooking methods
omit chicken parmesan for the gluten free option

Added by Well Done Cooking Classes Housto on September 10, 2012