2401 Lincoln Blvd.
Santa Monica, California 90401

Entertainment, wisdom, consciousness, and community. This event introduces the selfcentered tools (www.getselfcentered.com) of meditation and breath styles, and includes a guided group meditation, and some games and exercises to create authentic connections with others.

To take us into the night, we’ll party ‘til the lights come on with performances from the legendary Monkey Chanting Crew, Malik Houlihan of Jupiter Sunrise (Myspace Records Vol. 1, Warped Tour), and a special guest DJ with soul-seducing beats.

Ticket Info:

$25 pre-sale, $30 at the door. For tickets, call 888-5-SCTOUR or visit www.getselfcentered.com.

Official Website: http://getselfcentered.com

Added by Evolotus on March 19, 2008

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