21 East Sixth Street Suite 114
Tempe, Arizona 85281

Conscious Connections... is a lighthearted and fun, yet decidedly soulful way to meet open hearted people and kindred spirits. You will be guided to connect through a variety of means both verbal and non verbal.

There will be non-threatening touch (always completely appropriate to your comfort level) dreamy eye gazing, movement, dancing, yummy hugs and warm fuzzies galore! We guarantee lots of delicious smiles and oodles of uninhibited laughter.

Individuals and couples (of any persuasion) are welcome. Couples, you may choose to stay together all evening to deepen your own relationship with each other, or move freely to experience heart connections with others. Or mix it up... Always experiencing at your own choice and comfort level.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of williamvv.

Added by williamvv on December 20, 2007

Interested 1