140 Columbus ave
San Francisco, California 94133

What is this event, Connecting in the City?

Coffeehouses, dive bars, dance clubs, bookstores... San Francisco is the home to a diverse population with access to a myriad of social activities. More recently, online communities have flourished and have led to an unprecedented reliance on technology to facilitate our relationships with others. Concurrently, business, civic and social organizations are encouraging young people to get engaged in urban life through participation in online communities - How and why has this phenomenon occurred?

Join Nish Nadaraja, Marketing Director for Yelp, Edith Yueng of SF Entrepreneur and others for this exciting forum that includes improvisational work of the cast of How We First Met.

RSVP today to [email protected] or by calling 415.781.8726 x120

Note: The event is FREE for any SPUR member, $20 for non-members! Memberships start at $55 and can be purchased at www.spur.org/join or at the event.

What is SPUR?

The San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) is San Francisco's preeminent public-policy think tank. Through research, analysis, public education, and advocacy, SPUR promotes good planning and good government.

What are the SPUR Young Urbanists?

Young Urbanists is a new SPUR initiative that seeks to attract people 40 and under who appreciate San Francisco and are interested in deepening their involvement in civic affairs. This program and all Young Urbanist events are presented with the generous support of Koret Foundation.

Added by vickiebell on August 18, 2008