1020 Discovery Road
Eagan, MN, Minnesota 55121

Complete Java Web Development is a crash course in developing cutting edge Web applications using the latest Java EE 5 technologies from Sun and the open source community. The course builds a strong understanding of Servlet technology as the cornerstone of Java's Web platform. It shows how JSPs build on the Servlet architecture and help your development teams achieve clear role separation. Allowing Web developers to focus on functionality while the Web designers create the layout - without stepping on each other's toes. Additionally, the class will show you how to use JSTL, custom tags and JSP expression language to reduce Java code in Web pages while adding tremendous power and capability to those pages. Attendees will also learn JavaBean component development and how these components can be easily integrated into JSPs. The class culminates in an exploration of Java MVC frameworks and compares some of the more popular offerings like Struts and Spring MVC.

Official Website: http://www.intertech.com/Courses/Course.aspx?CourseID=99076

Added by cheryldubbels on March 17, 2011

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