1020 Discovery Road
Eagan, MN, Minnesota 55121

Day one is primarily focused on Objective-C and covers everything needed to start building iPhone applications. The day covers basic Objective-C syntax and constructs, use of the Xcode IDE as a development tool, the Foundation framework, building Objective-C classes, properties and methods, debugging using Xcode and GDB, and a thorough explanation of memory management on the iPhone.

Day two starts with building a simple iPhone application then covers the details of views and the iPhone view hierarchy, delegates, Interface Builder, view controllers and architecture techniques to ensure a scalable app, table views, navigation and navigation controllers.

Day three covers custom table cells, resources and image handling, animation, touch, some more advanced Objective-C, an in depth look at the development and debugging, and provisioning devices and managing your developer profile, and deployment.

The final day of the course gives students a specification for a simple, but full iPhone application and the task for the day is to build it! All of the concepts needed for this will have been taught by this time but the specifics of how to build the app are available if needed. This is an invaluable opportunity to build a real world application with an experienced developer as mentor.

Official Website: http://www.intertech.com/Courses/Course.aspx?CourseID=99532

Added by cheryldubbels on March 18, 2011

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