601 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, California 90401

The Only College Planning Workshop of the Year!

There are only 15 seats available.


If you’re the parent of a high school student who’s planning on attending a four-year state college or private university, you must attend one of these FREE workshops.

Come learn the insiders’ secrets and strategies to send your child to schools you never thought you could afford.

Topics Include:
• How to send your child to the school of their dreams without getting trapped in a financial nightmare.
• How to give your child a Rolls Royce education for the cost of a used Ford Escort.
• How to double or triple your eligibility for free grant money.
• How to pay for college without spending one single dime from your own pocket.
• Where to find the hidden scholarships and grants other parents will never hear about.
• The single biggest mistake 9 out of 10 parents make when applying for scholarships that literally cost them thousands of dollars, and how to avoid it.
• Haven’t saved enough to pay for college? Don’t worry; it’s not as bad as you think-if you know these 3 insider secrets.
• The shocking truth about the new college savings plans and how they can cost you money.
• Did your accountant or broker show you where to save money for school? Watch out! You better move it now before it costs you a fortune.
• Government Student Loans are in Short Supply!
• Don’t Pay Sticker Price for College!!
Come learn how…

Here’s what some parents have had to say about this College Planning workshop:

• “I’ve been staying awake at night worrying about paying for college. Thanks for helping me sleep again!” Gary A., Burbank, CA
• “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I’m so appreciative of the knowledge you brought to this course.” Rhonda H., Glendale, CA
• “Easy to understand. I love that you can go to a private school for the same money as a state school, and can be eligible for financial aid no matter what income you make.” Martin & Debbie W., Valencia, CA
• “The only advisor that has given useful information.” Gene H., Chatsworth, CA
• "Great tips - Particularly what not to waste time with." Virginia L - Northridge, CA
• "Almost everything shared was new to me--and so useful." Robin B. – Granada Hills, CA

Having this valuable information is like having a flashlight to explore a cave, while every other parent stumbles through blind.

Free Workshop Date:

July 22, 2010
6:45 PM – 8:15 PM
Santa Monica Library
July 24, 2010
10:30 PM – 12:00 PM
Santa Monica Library

July 27, 2010
6:45 PM – 8:15 PM
Beverly Hills Library

These workshops will be taught by Brian Safdari & Phillip Lew America's leading authority on getting your child into the college of their choice without using all your savings, sacrificing your current lifestyle or going plain broke.

Note, this workshop is 100% free, but is limited by the size of the room, so reserve your seats now!

You can RSVP now at:


Added by t2cpei on June 28, 2010

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