*This event was originally scheduled in Dec. & had to be
rescheduled due to weather conditions.
The new date is Monday, Jan. 12, 2009*
Real Wealth of Portland: Supporting a More Caring Economy and the Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG) will be hosting the upcoming event on Economy & our community~
Community Commons: Ideas into Action Monday Jan. 12th 7-9pm with social time to follow.
The Buchan Meeting Room, First Unitarian Church 1011 SW 12th Ave. Enter through alleyway on 12th.
How does MONEY relate to REAL WEALTH in our community?
What are dollars and where do they come from? the answers will surprise you!
Where do YOU put YOUR dollars?
What are the possibilties for collaborative (partnership) economics here in Portland?
Join Us As We...
See and discuss a clip from The Money Fix, a new documentary that will have a Sneak Preview on January 29th at The Hollywood Theater.
Learn about the Federal Reserve, community banks, credit unions, & sustainable investing.
Discover what's happening in Portland around collaborative economics!
Talk with presenters and tablers.
Enjoy cookies and cake!
http://www.realwealthpdx.org, [email protected] 503-475-7509
Official Website: http://www.realwealthpdx.org
Added by future now on January 8, 2009