2100 24th Avenue S.
Seattle, Washington 98144

Each of us has a way of communicating that we find comfortable. However, it may be ineffective when interacting with individuals who have a different way of communicating. For example, explaining something in detail to a person who doesn’t like details can be problematic. Giving a rough outline to someone who needs details is equally ineffective.

Communication is related to learning style. How we learn can affect how we communicate.

In this interactive workshop, participants will:

* Become familiar with more than a dozen learning styles.
* Understand how learning styles affect communication.
* Complete and discuss learning style assessments.
* Become familiar with their own learning styles.
* Learn to communicate with individuals who have different learning styles.

Official Website: http://learningconnections.org/Coalition/workshops/2009/Jan28/index.htm

Added by kliu11 on January 14, 2009

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