79640 Quincy-Mayger Road
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016

A weekend retreat based on Non-Violent Communication, as founded by Marshall Rosenberg.

The hands and feet of spiritual practice.

It’s easy to feel frustrated about communication in your relationships with family, partner, friends, and co-workers. You try again and again to make things work and still run into conflicts and misunderstandings.

You want to have direct and honest exchanges with others that create connection and understanding so you can move forward in support of each other.

You would like to be able to ask for what you need without pleading, demanding, or beating around the bush.

Compassionate Communication (also called Nonviolent Communication) and mindfulness practice offer a framework and set of tools that allow you to name and express what's alive at a heart level in any situation. This creates a sense of connection and trust in tough conversations. It allows you to take action from what's most deeply true for all involved.

In this weekend retreat we bring together the foundational practices of mindfulness and meditation with the practical framework and tools of Compassionate Communication (NVC).
We help you create a new relationship with yourself and others through a series of experiential exercises as well as direct teaching and coaching.

In the retreat you will:

•Learn the art of giving and receiving empathy
•Begin to transform your inner dialogue from one of judgment and blame to one of understanding and connection.
•Enjoy a safe space to work with issues in your relationships and see them in a new way through the framework of NVC.
•Gain insight about how meditation practice can support you in creating more peace and connection in your relationships.
•Relax and soak up the peaceful atmosphere of the monastery and its surrounding woods.

Join LaShelle Yoan Lowe-Charde andDharma Holder Daitetsu Hull and cultivate a consciousness and clarity that will enable you to create a life of greater meaning, ease, and joy.

Retreat fee includes delicious vegetarian/vegan meals. $50 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your space - balance due on arrival.

Added by Seiko Stamp on February 3, 2013

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