1403 Addison St/Acton
Berkeley, California 94702

Tentative agenda:
*Participating organizations’ activities
*March 20 S.F. action: "Labor's Stake in Ending the Wars", initiated by the S.F. Labor Council and Bay Area Labor Against the War LAW.
*"Bring Our Dollars Home" campaign
*UN Human Rights Council: Universal Periodic Review - 2 Bay Area pending meetings under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of State.
*Report on March 4th actions in defense of public education.
*Possible constitutional amendment proposal from Rep. Lee to declare corporations not persons.
Please consider including yourself/your organization. We self-appoint to bring together broader representation, to represent organizations with which we organize, and which we support.
You can add to the agenda by responding to me, [email protected] or by calling Betty at 510-524-6071, or by coming to the meeting.

Added by normaha at pacbell.net on April 28, 2009