817 E Strawbridge Ave
Melbourne, Florida 32901

LOLA IS A FADED BEAUTY QUEEN trapped in a lonely marriage to Doc, a recovering alcoholic on the brink of relapse. When a pretty young woman becomes a boarder in their cluttered Midwest home, their lives are unsettled as unspoken passions rise to the surface. As the emptiness of their marriage is laid bare, can they find their way back or will they be undone? Celebrated playwright William Inge explores these powerful themes in COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA, a true American classic about lost hopes and unfulfilled promise, told with unflinching honesty and heartbreaking power. "A rarely honest piece of theatre writing."-NY World Telegram & Sun. Tickets :Adult:$20.00, Senior:$18.00, Student:$18.00, Child:$18.00

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 17, 2010