3333 Adams Avenue
San Diego, California 92116

COLLAB COLLECTIVE by Paint Night Group
Opening Reception
Saturday, August 8th. 6-10 PM

Hosted by:
Art of Framing
3333 Adams Ave.
San Diego, CA 92116


Paint Night Group is an unofficial organization of artists who have been meeting once a week for the past 14+ years to create art and share ideas. It is an ongoing event that allows members to collaborate, critique, mentor and discuss the purpose and relevance of art as it pertains to the individual, their environment and their place in modern society.

Throughout the group’s fourteen year history of collaborative expression, PNG has used a wide variety of media to investigate dynamics, motion, equilibrium, de/re/formation, layering, collage, reuse, irrationality and their connections to memory, meaning and its application in artistic communication.

The group’s current works are of a collaborative nature. The ego of the artist is completely removed from the art. The art is merely the physical residue of the collaborative process. Collaboration requires cooperation, some planning, some luck, and respect for the work of the other artists participating in it. While some are more successful than others, the works are always thought-provoking and interesting.

COLLAB COLLECTIVE features some of PNG’s most recent collaborative efforts, and also gives a preview of the upcoming Bird Project.

Official Website: http://www.theartofframing.net/artshow.php?view=9

Added by ncy5000 on August 7, 2009

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