Got a kid interested in Technology? Bring them to the Gankplank Jr track at Code Camp Jr. taking place at Desert Code Camp.
Schedule for the day
Time Event
9:00 Registration
9:30 Programming with Scratch
9:45 Free time with Scratch
10:15 Kid free play
10:45 Lego Mindstorm NXT
11:30 Lego Mindstorm play time
Lunch provided by Gangplank Jr.
Bakugan Tournament
1:00 Circuits
1:45 Free time with Circuits and Electronics
3:00 Wrap up
3:15 Free time for the computers.
Computers will be provided, feel free to bring a laptop if you have.
Lunch will be provided by Gangplank Jr.
If you have any Ardunio sets or Lego Mindstorm NXT sets feel free to bring them.
Recommended for kids from 4-18 years of age.
It is recommended that the kids are at reading age.
* Schedule is subject to change.
Official Website:
Added by dneighbors on October 16, 2009