22500 Soledad Canyon Rd
Santa Clarita, California 91350

Saugus Swap Meet is collecting clean, gently used coats and jackets as part of the One Warm Coat community service project. Coats of all shapes and sizes are welcome. One Warm Coat is dedicated to distributing reusable coats, free of charge, directly to local children and adults. The program is an easy way for you and your family to pass along coats and jackets that you no longer need.
Saugus Swap Meet has made donating a coat simple for you. Just bring your clean, gently used coats and jackets to the Saugus Swap Meet, which is located at 22500 Soledad Canyon Road in Santa Clarita. Donations will be accepted on all Swap Meet days, Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays between 7am and 2pm from January 1 through January 31. Saugus Swap Meet will then take care of the rest. All donated coats will be given to the Santa Clarita Valley Emergency Winter Shelter for distribution to local people in need.

Added by Saugus Swap Meet on December 17, 2010

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