6083 McKay Avenue
Burnaby, British Columbia

Challenging times call for creative measures. Invest in the tools and knowledge that will help build your success in these challenging times. Attend CMA British Columbia’s 3rd Annual Members conference.

Conference topics range from risk management in corporate governance, leadership, organizational effectiveness, IFRS, 360 degrees of ROI, carbon reporting, succeeding in turbulent times, excel, insurance, systems implementation & evaluation, strategy, managing energy, change management and more.

Keynote speakers: Michael Campbell (host of Money Talks) and Michael Kerr (author & humorist).

Connect with 400+ Certified Management Accountants (CMA) at this conference & at the networking reception.

Visit www.cmabc.com/2009_Conference.htm for further details

Official Website: http://www.cmabc.com/2009_Conference.htm

Added by CMA British Columbia on January 16, 2009