3535 North Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 60657

Cue the circus music. Step into those big, floppy shoes. Paint on a smile and grab the most ridiculous wig you can find. The three-ring circus is coming to town and you’ll never have more fun helping out so many! It’s the first-ever Clown for Chi-Town Pub Crawl, a big-top celebration benefiting the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Get ready to laugh it up and knock ’em back. The fun will flow from 2 p.m. til 8 p.m. at some of your favorite center rings on the North Side—Goose Island, Red Ivy, Cubby Bear, Sluggers, John Barleycorn, and Vines on Clark. So if you’re dressed like a clown and ready to roam Wrigleyville like a rock star, Clown for Chi-Town wants you! Best of all, it’s all for a great cause.

Official Website: http://www.clownforchitown.com

Added by Cjacobs101 on June 3, 2009

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