San Francisco, California

TechSoup Global recently released the findings from our 2012 Global NGO Cloud Survey, which collected more than 10,500 responses from nonprofits, libraries, and NGOs from 88 countries around the world. This is the first technology survey of NGOs and libraries worldwide and provides a baseline for their readiness to take advantage of new cloud-based technologies.
Please join us for a webinar on October 11 featuring Patrick Callihan, executive director of NPower PA and npCloud, and Anna Jaeger, founder and co-director of TechSoup Global's GreenTech Initiative. They'll discuss the primary motivations and barriers that nonprofits, libraries, and NGOs have for moving their IT to the cloud.
The survey's surprising results will enable you to make more informed decisions about cloud computing adoption and develop programs that maximize the potential of these technologies.

Please join us to find out how your nonprofit or library can take advantage of what is happening in the field of cloud computing.

Register for free online:

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Added by TechSoup Talks on October 3, 2012

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