We, and our partners, believe Cloud Computing represents a major shift in the way everyone will use computers. The benefits are huge; people will only pay for what they use, utilisation will improve by up to four times, the £ impact and the Green impact will significant.
But....there is much confusion & a lot of unfounded fear and skepticism. There are questions over security, data location, service levels, control, management, but there are answers that will satisfy the majority of organisations.
We are vendor neutral, we want to break down the barriers to adoption and to accelerate the growth of Cloud Computing.
Topics covered include:
* What is Cloud Computing?
* Why use Clouds?
* Who is doing what now and what are their plans?
* What are the barriers to using Clouds?
* How can there barriers be broken down?
* Lots of Q&A
Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/event/cloud-grid/cloud-computing-101-an-intro-to-cloud-computing
Added by Skills Matter on November 18, 2008