1420 Ogden St.
Denver, Colorado 80215

Are you tired of wondering why the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you?

Why do some things manifest and others don’t?

Imagine if you could easily and naturally manifest anything into your life…
Now you can!
In this powerful interactive class you’ll get complete with the limits of your past and release stuck energy. You’ll practice using tools and processes that will shift limiting and unconscious thoughts.

What would it take for you to:

* Gain more freedom around financial situations?
* Generate more money than you can spend?
* Enjoy dreamy, amazing relationships?
* Be in love with your body?
* Enjoy your career?
* Create optimal health?
* Travel to fun, exotic places?
* Experience more ease in life?
* Be, do and have whatever you most desire?

In this workshop, Cory and Maureen will first facilitate the clearing of your limitations. Then they’ll put a distinctive spin on traditional visioning to make it way more powerful than anything you’ve experienced!

What if you could create a LIVING vision board—one that is fluid and able to expand as your life expands?

Let's start 2011 off phenomenally by clearing the path to co-creating with the Universe. When you get past your perceived limits, live in the question and institute generative action, anything is possible! How does it get any better than that?!

Go to this link to for more details and to register!!

Official Website: http://clearcreate2011.eventbrite.com/

Added by tracideville on December 17, 2010

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