8805 SW 132 St
Miami, Florida

Now that we are well into the first month of the New Year and the holiday excitement has passed - How do you want your life to be different from last year? What still may require releasing? What do you want to create in 2012?

Join us and learn ways to help you to clarify your intentions, recommit to yourself, and to live the life that you deserve. Each student will take away practical real life tools that will help them to deal with challenges and manifest positive transformation in their life. In our time together, we will discuss:

• How to bring harmony and balance between your inner needs and the outer world
• How to clear stagnant energies, toxic thoughts, and boost the spiritual immune system
• How to Clear and bless the home
• Simple, effective strategies to calm the mind and open the heart
• How to work with natural cycles for healing and manifestation
• Other tools for self-transformation and healing, as appropriate

This experiential workshop lays an excellent foundation for health and growth in the New Year. Its purpose is to help clarify and raise our vibration so that we become Conscious Co-Creators in 2012. Participants will learn by practicing the methodologies discussed. Wear comfortable clothing. Handouts will be provided to support the on-going process of self-growth. To register, please contact: (786) 250-4170.

Diana will also offer a limited amount of private intuitive or mediumship readings while at 5 Sisters
on Saturday, January 28, 2012 2:30pm - 6:30pm

Times fill quickly so early pre-registration is required. Please contact: (786) 250-4170 to reserve your consultation.

Added by sacredspiraldance on January 7, 2012

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