528 NE E Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

~~ Needing to order a book? Let us do it for you!~~

-- Workshops ~ Classes ~ Events --

Saturday Aug. 14th ~ 11-1 pm ~ Writer’s Group.

Saturday Aug. 14th ~ 1-2 pm. ~ Poetry Group. Our Writers and Poetry Group meets every second Saturday here at Aquarius Books & Gifts. Bring your manuscript, poetry or just yourself and enjoy!

**Fully Booked** Sat. Aug. 21st ~ Sharon Bauer ~ Psychic Medium ~ Readings ~ Please call Aquarius Books & Gifts for appointment. 541-479-4000. $20

Sat. Aug. 21st ~ 1 - 4 pm ~ Sare Van Orsdell ~ Astrotherapist ~ Astrologer, Writer, Teacher
Beginning in August Ancient Astrology will be given by Sare Van Orsdell. These old symbols of wisdom and the attunement in the solar system in ourselves will be explored.
If the class desires, the Natal Chart done by hand will be taught. $15.

Fireworks for the Soul: Tibetan Bowl and Gong Concert
Sunday August 22nd , 6pm at Aquarius Book & Gifts, 528 Northeast E St. Nationally known Tibetan Bowl Sound Healer, recording artist and author, Diane Mandle uses sound and light to tap into an individual’s sensory experience and create an elevated state of healing and meditation during her concerts. These restorative concerts feature precision tuned Tibetan Bowls, Bells, Planetary Gongs and other vibrational instruments creating a “tonal bath”. Additionally she also projects light forms of sacred geometry bathing the audience in color and moving light. She tells the story of these amazing instruments, the healing they bring and the science behind it.
“ It is really a transformational event. People should come prepared to have body, mind and spirit deeply shifted.” Mandle says.

Mandle is the only State Certified Tibetan Bowl Healer/Instructor in California and a guest presenter at the Deepak Chopra Center, The Golden Door and Rancho la Puerta.. In addition to her private practice she works with cancer patients in the medical setting. Her CD’s have received praise in San Diego’s' Light Connection Magazine as "highly internal and great for meditation.

You can see her video clip at:

COST: $20 advance, $25 at the door Bring something comfortable to lie on.
Chairs will also be available.
Reservations & Tix 541-479-4000

Sat. Aug. 28th - 1-3 pm ~

Event: Saturday 8/28 1-3 pm $25
Vedic Astrology 101:
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
With James Jarvis, M.A.
Learn the basics of Vedic Astrology (the astrology of India) in this fun, informative and experiential class with master astrologer, James Jarvis. Includes handouts and your Vedic chart. Please provide accurate birth time, date & place when registering. James will be available after the class for individual ½ hr. sessions.

Bio: James Jarvis, M.A. (Transpersonal Counseling) is a master Vedic &
Western Astrologer, Career & Business Marketing coach and
Transpersonal Counselor. Through his international astrology and
coaching practice, James has helped thousands of people draw out and
productively use their inherent wisdom and talent. For more info please visit: www.lifeqwest.com.

I will be available for 1/2 hr sessions after the class starting at 3:30.

Sat. Aug. 28th - 4-6 pm ~ Coach Louise ~ Invisible Relationships. www.thoughtbuster.com

Sat. Sept. 4th ~ Sharon Bauer ~ Psychic Medium ~ Readings ~ Please call Aquarius Books & Gifts for appointment. 541-479-4000. $20

Sat. Sept. 11th ~ Book Reading and Signing ~ 3:30 -5:30
Judith Armatta is a lawyer, journalist, and human-rights advocate who monitored the trial of Slobodan Milosevic on behalf of the Coalition for International Justice. Her dispatches from The Hague appeared in national and international newspapers. Joining efforts to promote the rule of law, Armatta worked for the American Bar Association’s Central and East European Law Initiative, opening offices in Belgrade, Serbia (in 1997) and Montenegro (in 1999). In this role she collaborated with women lawyers in the former Yugoslavia and supported the work of an independent judiciary. During the Kosova War, she headed a War Crimes Documentation Project among Kosovar Albanian refugees in Macedonia. Finally, Armatta assisted the Justice Ministry of Montenegro on sweeping law reform.
For over two decades, she has worked to increase awareness of and response to violence against women and children—in her home state of Oregon, as well as at the national and international level. Celebrated for her efforts in Oregon, she moved into International Law and Justice in the late 1990's.
Armatta currently consults on international humanitarian, human rights, and other rule-of-law issues, most recently in the Middle East.
Armatta’s book, Twilight of Impunity: the War Crimes Trial of Slobodan Milosevic, will be released in August 2010 by Duke University Press. An eyewitness account of the first major international war-crimes tribunal since the Nuremberg trials, Twilight of Impunity is a gripping guide to the prosecution of Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

More info: www.juditharmatta.com

Sat. Sept. 11th ~ Dymystifing Meditation ~ Donna Schmid ~ 2- 4 pm.
De-Mystifying Meditation – Presented by Donna Schmid
Join us for a fun, simple yet effective presentation designed to remove the complexities without compromising the many benefits of meditating.

Research confirms “stress” is the leading cause of all dis-ease in the body and meditation reduces the effects of chronic stress.
With meditation,
You possess the secret to unlocking the potential to empower your life!
Not only will you understand how meditation assists in reducing stress and anxiety but you’ll be able to use these powerfully simple techniques to:
Attain your goals and desires with ease;
Increase your earning potential; productivity; and,
Enhance your quality of life
All while you are:
Steering clear of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and other dis-eases;
Eliminate the effects of limiting beliefs and values; and
Avoid insomnia; restless sleep and their debilitating effects – “brain fog”.
Donna is an extraordinary motivational speaker. The tone of her voice is calming so it is so easy to learn to relax through her guidance and expertise. She cleverly weaves fun into learning with her unique and gifted presentation style. Her audiences include men and women from all age groups and backgrounds. They come with a desire to enhance their present quality of life and bring with them a realization that traditional methods are not providing the results they expect.
If I could show you a “clear” way in which you could benefit from meditation, you would at least want to look at it, wouldn’t you?
If I could tell you all the ways in which you could improve your life, you would at least want to hear about it, wouldn’t you?
If I could help you get in touch with your deeper desires and dreams, you would at least want to get a feel for meditation, wouldn’t you?
I would love to share the “key” to unlocking your potential – join me for an afternoon that will empower every aspect of your life!
Saturday, September 11, 2010 - 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$20.00 per person – Bring a friend and you both attend for - $25.00 –
Registration and Advanced Payment Required

Sat. Sept. 18th ~ Rock Talk ~ Caroline Knight ~ 12-2 pm. Bring your favorite rock and explore its properties with Caroline! $5 suggested donation.

Sat. Sept. 18th ~ Astro-Mythology and Skylore ~ Monica Davis ~
1-3 pm ~ Learn how the ancients interpreted the heavens using mythology ~ then on to the story of the “Star of Bethlehem” and how the birth of Jesus was astrologically foretold in the sky (heavens). There is no charge for this event.

Once in a Lifetime - Cardinal Grand Cross

"Astrology", derived from the ancient Greek "astron" (star) and logos (speech), has been used for thousands of years as a tool to symbolically interpret the messages so majestically displayed before us by the astral bodies in the heavens. The story unfolding in today's skies tells an epic tale; an astrological event so rare that we have not before seen the likes of it in our lifetime. We are the ones who have chosen this precise time for incarnation on the earth plane, not only to bear witness to, but to awaken, answer our call to action, and actively partake in the writing of history. How each of us responds individually to our call will affect the outcome of the collective--humankind and nature alike. This is not a time to be fearful, but rather a time to join together to contribute positively to the birth of a new golden age, to create a new paradigm replacing old, outdated structures. It is a time to willingly release anything and everything that does not serve the highest good--objects, concepts, and people, and to allow the transformation that must occur.

The Alignment

Many of us have been feeling the shifting energies for quite some time. There is a saying in astrology, "Coming events cast their shadows.". On August 6th and 7th, 2010, the planets will form in the sky what is called a "Cardinal Grand Cross". While we have previously witnessed the phenomenon of a cardinal cross, this one is quite unique and very powerful. Of the 10 planetary bodies typically used as a basis in Western Astrology, seven will be actively involved in this cardinal grand cross on these dates. The combination of these seven bodies will form numerous key aspects (angles to each other that have great meaning in interpretive astrology). Of great importance are the 7 oppositions and 10 squares forming, all in cardinal signs. A cardinal sign, acted positively, is one of action, initiation, enterprise, ambition, and pioneering; but acted negatively it becomes aggressive, forceful, impatient, reckless, inconsiderate, and domineering. Oppositions and squares create stress and produce tension to bring about challenges and offer opportunity for great reward from right action.

The effects of this cardinal grand cross are life changing, for as we move through it and emerge on the other side, our world cannot ever be the same. These surely will be challenging times, but we are never given a challenge without the tools, skills, and opportunities to rise to the occasion. There are times when transformation appears violent, but necessary. (The mythological phoenix bird that bursts into flame only to rise again from the ashes. A lightning strike sparking a forest fire to burn unhealthy overgrowth and release seeds for a new and balanced ecosystem.) There are times when transformation is accepted as a natural state of being and surrendered to to produce magnificent results. (The caterpillar that morphs within the cocoon and is transformed into a beautiful butterfly. An old, crumbling, outdated building that is carefully and systematically imploded to make way for a modern state-of-the-art facility.) The heavens will not allow you to simply sit back and be a spectator. You must actively participate in this changing world. Will you answer the call willingly or have it thrust upon you by the will of the heavens?
Contributing Astrologer - Monica Davis

Planetary Energy of the Cardinal Grand Cross

Astrology unveils the cosmic connection between the heavens and Earth. Within the astral bodies a dynamic energy is created; an atmosphere, a mood whose reflection potentially influences our individual and collective choices and behaviors. Each of the planetary bodies used in Astrology has their own distinct "personality". How these bodies interplay, along with where they appear in a chart, will in large part determine the energetic tone with which we are imbued. The seven astral bodies configuring the August 6th and 7th cardinal grand cross are Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Pluto and the Moon. Their basic characteristics and energies under this celestial influence will be felt and interpreted by us, playing out through our actions, individually and as the collective whole.

When a planet is at a 180° geometric angle to another an "opposition" is created and when a planet is at a 90° geometric angle to another a "square" is created. The cardinal grand cross is producing an unprecedented 7 oppositions and 10 squares, known as "aspects". Under oppositions and squares we are challenged to learn and grow through focusing and balancing our energy. These aspects can produce an atmosphere of stress, tension and resistance and when influenced by aggressive, dynamic cardinal energy we must be especially mindful to think before we act, and send out to the universe calming, positive, cooperative energies.

Jupiter, known in ancient astrology as the "Great Benefic", the bringer of good fortune, represents growth and expansion, symbolizing social truth and ethical values, instilling faith, hope, and a sense of idealism. Negatively aspected Jupiter can produce over-optimism, over-indulgence or offer false hope.

Uranus, the "Great Awakener", brings inventive genius, revolutionary reform and liberation from past limitations. Surrender to meaningful change and expect the unexpected under the influence of Uranus as its energy can strike quite suddenly and with surprising results. Negatively aspected Uranus can bring chaos through blind rebellion or willful fanaticism.

Saturn, the "Taskmaster", creates structure and form in our lives. Saturn teaches us timely patience, orderly progression, and discipline through setting limits, testing us, and offering rewards when we successfully "get the lesson". With Saturn we learn that, through accepting responsibility and applying our own efforts, we can turn vision into reality. Negatively aspected Saturn can be harsh and strong-handed, making our lessons more painful.

Venus is the power behind creativity, magnetically drawing together and harmonizing the people and things we love and value, including our desire for social interaction. Negatively aspected Venus produces self-indulgence and laziness which creates an environment of "entitlement" in which the lack of contributing action creates difficulties during challenging times.

Mars energy carries ambition, vitality, and a drive for great accomplishment. It gives us the courage and determination to stand up for our rights and charge forward to overcome all obstacles. Negatively aspected Mars can produce violence, wars, aggression, and bullying. The challenge is to channel this strong energy in an assertive but positive and purposeful way.

Pluto, the "Great Transformer", is a slow-moving energy that produces deliberate, necessary, permanent change through uncovering hidden flaws, breaking down outdated form, resurrection and regeneration. It's power does not strike quickly and move on, but rather burrows deep to the root of the matter and leaves us with physical and psychological rebuilding and healing. Negatively aspected Pluto is susceptible to violent power struggles, and tremendous upheaval, destroying that which blocks necessary transformation.

The Moon's energy is fast-moving and emotional, defining our security through nurturing, support and protection. Through the Moon's energies we can attune to environmental sensitivities, experience passing feelings, and make necessary adjustments to how we relate to the world in our daily lives.

The change is underway. All of our thoughts and actions energetically contribute to the unfolding events. Transformation is inevitable, but whether we reach the outcome through pain and suffering or through applying the spirit of kindness and cooperative compassion is our choice.

Contributing Astrologer - Monica Davis
August 6, 2010

Friday October 1st ~ 6 - 8 pm ~ First Friday
Journey of the White Robes, An Aquarian Age Adventure
Book Release Event.
Author Fred Jenning Rogers ~ Book Signing & Book Reading
Also Featuring Artist Michael Lenz
Plus, Artist Judy Davidson

Sat. October 2nd ~ Sharon Bauer ~ Psychic Medium ~ Readings ~ Please call Aquarius Books & Gifts for appointment. 541-479-4000. $20

Saturday October 9th ~ 12 - 4 pm ~
Aquarius Books & Gifts presents:
~Author Faire~
Are you an Author? Call us to reserve your free table space. This will be a great opportunity for you to sign and sell your book or books! We will have a schedule of talks for those who wish to read or discuss their book. Call Aquarius Books & Gifts 541-479-4000. There is no cost for this event. We will be advertising this event so get ready to work your book! Email: [email protected]

Authors Scheduled ~ Please call to get on the list!

Rene Cote ~ Hauntingly sad, yet cathartic in its creation, Cote releases into the world a book giving voice and heart-felt exposure to the thousands of silenced women victimized by a patriarchal fanaticism. Renee's use of language, art and poetic layout quickly engages the reader in a daughter s life-long search for the truth surrounding the falsehood and silence about her incarcerated Mother.
a very moving and poignant indictment of a culture and psychiatric system that condemned the author s mother to a living hell and her daughter to a motherless childhood. Cote's use of illustration is artful and original. A touching tribute, an inspired challenge. Phyllis Chesler, author of Women and Madness and The Death of Feminism: What s Next in the Struggle for Women s Freedom.

Dixie Owens ~ Becoming Kate

After a horrific car accident, Liz's life is over, but somehow she's still alive. Championed as the lucky recipient of the first successful brain transplant, Liz soon realizes her bittersweet choice: she can either remain as Kate, an eleven-year-old donor recipient with a life and family Liz knows nothing about, or she can alert the doctors to her condition and risk disappearing forever. But can Liz really learn to become a little girl again? And what will happen to the husband and children she left behind? Becoming Kate is an enthralling exploration of identity, family, and what it really means to be alive that will keep you guessing to the very last page.

Dixie Owens worked for 30 years with the State of California's Employment Development Department (EDD) in various marketing and job development roles. She holds an Associate of Arts from Ohlone College; Marketing Coursework at U.C. Davis; completed a certification program, "Women in Management," from the University of Southern California's Post-graduate School of Business. Wilks Owen currently resides in Grants Pass, Oregon with her husband. They are the parents of seven children.

Alexis McKinney ~ Alexis McKenna, Ph.D. is an experienced counselor and educator, a natural mystic, and an innovative thinker. Her special areas of interest are symbol systems, music-generated imagery, metaphor, and story. She has completed in-depth training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, and the mystical teachings of the hermetic tradition of Western Mysticism. She is uniquely skilled in helping individuals integrate spiritual insights and mystical experiences into a grounded and healthy lifestyle.
All offerings are both experiential and conversational; they focus on possibilities and alternative ways of perceiving the world. They are not intended to be therapy – nor are they a substitute for therapy.

Weekly schedule at Aquarius:

Tuesdays ~

10:30 am to 2 pm - ENERGIZE in 8 minutes! Open BEMER Sessions (10 to 30 minutes) offered by the Bemer Associates of Southern Oregon. Optimize your level of fitness and feelings of well-being with increased blood microcirculation and oxygen saturation, effortlessly and easily. Walk-in or by appointment, suggested donation $10. For more info please call Margaret 541-660-4650.

Thursdays ~ Chi Gung ~ Barbara Allen ~ 9:15 - 10:00 am. For the Summer, Barbara is moving her class outside at her home. For directions and additional info please call Barbara - 541-474-3764.

Saturday Afternoons ~ Joanie Lasky offers help with adult literacy.

Community Happenings:

If interested in “The Way of Mastery” classes, channeled by Jesus, please call Rev. Bill Newman who teaches a class every Tuesday evening at 7 pm. Phone: 541-476-8088.

Grants Pass Sathya Sai Baba Center has bhajans (chanting) every Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm or 9:00 pm.
The Center is at 1151 Summit Loop which is actually on Board Shanty Road off of Summit Loop. Please call Sue at 541-761-0899 for more information and more explicit directions for parking. A short reading and discussion will begin the bhajan. Devotional songs of Christian, Hindi, Hebrew, American Indian, and others are sung, many in chant form.

Join the Grants Pass Astronomers ~ Learn about Astronomy, Astrophotography, Telescope making or just have fun getting together under the stars! www.grantspassastronomers.com for more info.

Aquarius Books and Gifts ~ Open 6 days ~ 10 am - 6 pm. Closed Sunday.
528 NE E Street ~ email ~ [email protected]
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
541-479-4000 www.aquariusbooksandgifts.com

Added by aquariusbooksandgifts on August 10, 2010