262 Friend Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Please Join Cities Unite this Friday Night at The Greatest Bar

Start the Holiday Season off right with Cities Unite and young adults from across Boston at The Greatest Bar to raise money for the Katrinas Kids Project

$10.00 is all you need for free drinks, new friends and an all night party led by DJ Bobby D from GrooveBoston!

Party Starts at 8:00 and will go all nigh t long!

Cities Unite, a new philanthropic organization is launching its Boston chapter through this kickoff celebration. Our purpose is to raise money and awareness for the Katrinas Kids Project and their partnership with the NOW School in Houston TX. The Now School is a newly founding K-8 school for relocated hurricane victims from the 9th Ward in New Orleans.

To RSVP to this event and to let others know about it please visit our evite

For more info on Cities Unite and this great cause please check out our website and also the attached invitation!

Hope to see you all there,

The Cities Unite Board

Added by Citiesunite on November 29, 2005

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