2828 35th St
Sacramento, California 95817

Sunday, August 15, 2010
7:30 PM
Admission: $5.00
Movies on a Big Screen at The Guild
2828 35th St, Sacramento, CA

Mr. Lobo's Movie Pick: Virginia Creepers

Didn't get enough of Mr. Lobo on August 14? As it turns out, it's a Lobo weekend! We asked Mr. Lobo to choose a movie and present it, and he agreed! Please note, this evening will NOT involve filming of any kind.

And Mr. Lobo picked...

Virginia Creepers! A full length feature documentary chronicling the rich history of Virginia and DC area horror hosts, featuring, well, Mr. Lobo!! And presented by, Mr. Lobo! It's like getting double the Lobo for one money!!

SEE! An array of horrifying ghouls and goblins haunting the Virginia airwaves for over 50 years in rare clips and photos!
HEAR! The bloodcurdling sounds of long lost shows!
THRILL! To see past and present hosts in a macabre tableau (whatever that is . . .) and witness interviews unseen anywhere else!

Rumor has it, Mr. Lobo *might* be bringing along some shorts and other fun stuff for this screening, too!

Official Website: http://www.moviesonabigscreen.com

Added by Movies On A Big Screen on July 26, 2010