Ragmans Lane
Lydbrook, England GL17 9PA

This is a ‘hands on’ practical day showing you how you can turn your glut of apples into beautiful
fresh juice and cider, or for those interested in learning about small commercial apple juice/cider

The day will include:
* introduction to cider making
* harvesting apples from our orchards
* washing & pressing the fruit using both a traditional cider press and modern mill
* pastuerising and bottling
* cider tasting
* you will also have the chance to take home some fresh pressed apple juice

Matt Dunwell has been making apple juice and cider for over 12 years and has planted cider and
perry trees over the last 20 years that are now coming into production, including ‘Kingston Black’
the king of cider apples.

Booking essential - for more information visit our website

Added by Wyedeantourism on August 24, 2011

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