423 W 46th
New York, New York 10036

The play 'Chrysalis' will be performed as part of The Strawberry One Act Festival being hosted by The Riant Theater. The play is a half hour long and will be performed as one of four plays that evening. On the night of the performance, the audience votes on which play that night they liked the best and the winner moves on to the semi finals round. If a play wins that round, it is performed again during the finals and a winner is chosen in a special ceremony on Sunday, August 23.

Play Summary: It's the day after George's retirement as an Astronomy professor from the local college, and this is more time than Millie and George have spent together in a long while. They don't know what to do with themselves, let alone each other. They realize quickly that as husband and wife, they never got to know one another. Millie and George contemplate the marriage vows they took so many years ago.

Official Website: http://www.therianttheatre.com/strawberry.html

Added by sdrosenb on July 28, 2009

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