2330 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, California 94612

This is my first show after my month long hiatus. This is a great way to start back at it!
Sept. 16th
Lava Nights in cahoots with Surfrider Foundation http://www.surfrider.org/, and Zorlac Skate Board http://www.zorlacskates.com/ (known for their early artwork by the artist "Pushead") to help raise awareness in coastal environmental issues.
@ Stork Club 2330 Telegraph Ave. Oakland, CA 94612
Chrome/Helios Creed
Opus Dai (L.A.)

Fun fact: Helios is 6' 6" tall
*a word from Helios Creed*
This is my last bulletin before we head out on this nation wide tour. I never really thought I'd go out again and play anymore live tours here in the states. Or anywhere else for that matter. But I have gotten hundred's maybe thousands of letters from you my fans and friends wanting us to come your way and do our Chrome/Helios creed...the dual forces tour were calling it, half classic chrome and half solo shit. This is going to be a very tough tour high gas 7000 miles a show everynight. O k I am answering your letters and hoping for the best. That is you show up and support our asses. And bring as many friends as you can. post this on your bulletin copy paste and let every one who could give a shit and come to see us. we do have some new material and the last Chrome merch to sale. I don't see another tour again so this is probably your the last chance to experience us.

Official Website: http://www.storkcluboakland.com

Added by Lavamanda on September 3, 2008