9 W Washington St
Ellicottville, New York 14731

Experience a very unique, old fashioned holiday season with the Christmas Stroll. Among the many events is Santa's arrival, and the day is concluded with a Living Nativity so authentic you'll be amazed. The kids love the live camel. 3:30-5pm organ music and tours of St. John's Church. Kids can make ornaments, 4-5:30pm cocoa and cookies in Mrs. Claus kitchen at the Barn Restaurant on Monroe St - Follow the Candy Canes!, 4-6pm wagon rides next to Town Hall, candy elves, caroling and live camel strolling around town. Display of nativity sets and angels in the Holy Name of Mary Church Hall on Martha Street 4:30pm - Reindog Parade on Washington St. 6pm Living Nativity at the Gazebo.

Official Website: http://www.ellicottvilleny.com

Added by ellicottvillechamber on September 24, 2009