100 Highland Park Village Shopping Center, Suite #101
Highland Park, Texas 75205

10km/5km Walking Event to enjoy the Christmas lights along the streets and sidewalks of Highland Park. Most of the route will be west of Preston Rd and south of Mockingbird Ln. Start in the Highland Park Village Shopping Center – recognized as the oldest shopping center in America.
Register between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM. Must finish no later than 9:30 PM. It will be dark so please bring a flashlight. Park in the parking lot on the north
side of Mockingbird between Preston Rd and Douglas Ave (across the street from the shopping center). Do not park inside the shopping center.

Official Website: http://www.startrekkers.org/events/20091219_highlandpark.pdf

Added by walk_texas on November 5, 2009