857 North Cleveland
Chicago, Illinois 60610

PEP is hosting a Christmas Baskets event on December 20th and distributing food & toys to needy families. Due to current economic hardships, many families in the Cabrini-Green community are facing extremely difficult times. Their goal this year is to assist 50 families with kids, plus approx. 50 seniors.

Sponsor a child. You can help a family feel joy by being Santa without putting on a suit! Acceptable donations include:
Cash donations of $5, 10, 25 or 50 & up
Grocery gift cards
New or used toys
Canned goods or bakery items

Items that need to be delivered can be dropped off at their office at 857 N. Cleveland (cross streets - Chicago Ave. & Orleans). Pick-ups can be scheduled too.

Please contribute directly at their web site or deliver items by December 18th so that all purchases and gift wrapping can be done in advance. If you have any questions, email their Director at [email protected].

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of visuals4u.

Official Website: http://www.projecteducationplus.org/Christmas.html

Added by web4u on November 21, 2008