284 Main St
Great Barrington, Massachusetts 01230

From the first fiery note to the last whispery phrase, Christine Rosander's sultry voice grabs hold and doesn't let go, stirring up yearning and desire long after a song has ended. A one woman melting pot, her style melds pop, rhythm and blues, rock, jazz, folk, and country into a unique, powerful, and sensitive musical identity. She sings stories of human existence and her own life, and retells the sorrows and joys of being alive. "With my singing, everything is instinctive ...everything," says Christine. "It's a reflection of my feelings, memories, and intuition." Her strong and sexy style blends playful to poignant influences including the emotion of Rickie Lee Jones, the folk voice of Joni Mitchell, the sophisticated blues of Nina Simone, the storytelling panache of Billie Holiday, the rock-jazz feeling of Donald Fagan, the country pop attitude of the Dixie Chicks, and powerful songwriting influences such as the Beatles, CSNY, Bread, and many more.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 8, 2008