Nightclub :: Chris Clouse with DJ Richie Panic, Brandon Davis on percussion
No cover
In the glory days of rock n roll you might have found several talented live bands jamming all over the city on any given night but, in the electronic age, they are sparse and usually limited to small, seedy venues or the mega main stage. Chris Clouse’s Thursday night at Vessel marries the modern with the classic, the feel of the basement gem with the sold-out amphitheater. If you haven’t experienced dynamic lighting and high quality sound in an intimate venue, then you might not realize how much these elements can influence and enhance your musical experience. If you haven’t seen Richie Panic rock his jock at San Francisco’s long running Blow Up party then you won’t want to miss these two as they walk down the aisle of rocker meets Dj meets magic.
Added by Carla at Vessel on May 11, 2008