AROUND THE WORLD, New York 10002

Has anybody here seen this crazy Chinese rock stuff yet? It's in reflection of the Geffen Records/GnR "Chinese Democracy" promo, and avenges the anti-China/China-hater opportunists smear campaign, which includes avenging for the utterly cold-hearted Sharon Stone "karma" remark, the Jack Cafferty goon-thing, and this latest derision with westerner's "care and concern" about China and it's democracy. Check it out, it's just invigoratingly SHOCKING:

here an alternate version with more complete subtitles of those Chinese metalcore-thrash lyrics:

Posted by: Babi | December 05, 2008 at 01:55 PM

Official Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyt8aHxAm0g

Added by hongshaorou69 on December 4, 2008

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